
Blog Questionare!!

1. How do you find pictures and information?
A. Yahoo!(2) Net Surfing(3)

2. Do you research and get informayion at first on English or Japanese?
A. Japanese(5)

3.Have you ever made other blods?
A. Yes(2) Never(3)

4. What did you care when you made the blog?
A. Grammer(2) To keep it simple(1) To use many words(1) To write as long as I could(1)

5. How many pictures did you use when you wrote a topic?
A. 1or2(3) 3to5(2)

6. What is the most important thing when you make the blog?
A. Easy to read(3) To use many colors(1) Interesting topics(1)

7. What is most difficult thing?
A. To link(2) To dicide topics(2) To gather some information(1)

8. Did you enjoy your blog?
A. Yes!(5)

Dear my friends... thank U for your answer and I hope you will enjoy your spring holiday!

1 件のコメント:

Hil-y さんのコメント...

Hello★ It's Yumi.
Please visit mine:-)
